How We Roll ~ What We’re About
Bar Hopping is about riding Florida and socializing at your favorite biker friendly establishment. Our goal is to provide a comprehensive source for biker friendly bars throughout the State of Florida for bikers.
We want the featured article pages for biker bars to reflect the opinions of the biker community. What better exposure can a bar get than word of mouth from one of their own.
Beside ratings & comments that visitors can leave for the bars they patronize we plan to publish interesting articles on the biker characters, bartenders and activities that take place at your local watering hole. If you have something you think we might want to publish please contact us. Some of the things I’ve seen in biker bars are better than any realty show you’ll ever see.
We’re not here just for bikers. Bar owners who are biker friendly have an opportunity for a full featured article about their bar to showcase what they have to offer. The ratings and comments on their pages provide an opportunity to find out how they are perceived by the community and make adjustments. It’s good for business and it’s good for bikers.
We encourage comments and feedback from all our visitors and hope to provide a worthwhile source of content and information for everyone. Before you head out again for a colds one check out some of the bars listed here and try out a place you haven’t been to before.
Bar Hopping Florida With Biker Bar Magazine 
Florida is known for the best biker “friendly” bars for bar hopping on the weekend or anytime the mood strikes you. The locals have their favorites but for the more adventurous, finding new friendly biker bars is an opportunity to make new friends and meet other riding partners.
Biker Bar Magazine is a great place to find featured articles and reviews on the best biker friendly bars throughout Florida. Inside the pages of our monthly online magazine you’ll also find interesting features on rides & bikers that live that lifestyle.
Even though the biker community represents a diverse mix of social and economic backgrounds everyone is accepted on an equal basis. It doesn’t matter what you ride, who you are or what your occupation is. The common denominator that brings everyone together is the fact that you love to ride and feel the wind in your face.
If a bar has the moniker for being biker friendly it really doesn’t matter if you ride or not. Just take it to mean that you can go in there, be accepted and have a great time. Bikers know how to party and believe me when I say, “they add new meaning to the word party”. When bikers get together you’re likely to see and experience anything.
Although bar hopping is a colloquialism for making a few stops to grab a cold one, it also brings in the aspect of socializing with kindred friends. And in the context of this magazine I mean other motorcyclists.
What makes it even more fun is the growing popularity of geolocation games like Foursquare ( and Scvngr (
Get a group of friends together that participate in geolocation activities and you can take bar hopping to a whole new experience. In the pages of this publication we hope to bring the “whole experience” to you in a worthwhile manner.
Ride Safe
The Editor